Charcoal is made on industrial furnace. Made charcoal corresponds(meets) GOST 7657-84 and is applied in metallurgy by manufacture of pig-iron which is not containing phosphorus, sulfur and other elements inevitably getting in metal at use of coal coke. At course pair sulfur through a layer of heated up charcoal, turns out is grey carbon ćS 2 , used in manufactures of an artificial fibre, cellophane and a viscose cord.
Charcoal is used for manufacture of activated coal - most effective absorbent (the surface of 1 gramme of activated coal reaches(achieves) 1000 square meters). Coal is used also as a regulator at use of technology of cementation by manufacture of reservation, and also in other industries.
Manufacture and consumption of charcoal for household purposes (grills, fireplaces etc.) recently has sharply increased and tends to steady growth. On burning product does not release harmful residues (resin, pitch, methane, etc.). This is its main advantage and this makes it highly suitable for domestic use. "Grilly - charcoal " is used for fast cookříng of different dishes in grills, barbecue and also for fireplaces.