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Wooden house regularized round
Design wooden house and designing wooden house
It - one of first and major part of process of creation of a house.
The three-dimensional computer image of future house, orientation in space, an arrangement of Windows and doors, rooms and floors, discussion with Client of necessary technological features and building stages, places of logs in a wall, each number(line) (wreath) of logs etc. - all this are included into process of search of design and designing.
Under submitted project in read out days complete set of logs is made.
Having full design documentation, building brigade without effort creates that was only in your imagination.
Glued balks for wall wooden house cost
d 160 ... 180 mm d 200 ... 220 mm d 240 ... 260 mm d 280 ... 300 mm d 320 ... 340 mm
cost 280 - $ * / m3 cost 300 - $ * / m3 cost 320 - $ * / m3 cost 340 - $ * / m3 cost 360 - $ * / m3
Glued balks for wall wooden house cost
cost 645 USD / m3
cost 720 USD / m3
cost 750 USD / m3
cost 375 USD / m3
Glued balks for wall wooden house, regularized round timberwooden house
regularized round log - best building material for house
Why Company offers regularized round log as a building material for house?
Tree breathes , as against other building materials. All business - in a unique structure of wood inside which, at a cellular level, there is a constant air exchange.
Thermal stream from a premise directs outside and passes through a log. Thus, during his cooling up to external layers of a regularized round log, pairs and carbonic gas go to perpendicularly annual rings. In this direction, factor of resistance - in 45 times is less, and factor of diffusion - in 5,33 times is more.
In a result, moisture and harmful substances leave from end faces of a log, wall does not accumulate a moisture.
due to such property, in log houses constant oxygen balance and optimum humidity of air is supported.
Tree stores(keeps) heat since timbered wall has such Heat isolation properties which five times exceed parameters of brick or concrete walls at identical thickness.
Wooden wall thickness of 24-26 sm regularized round log is equivalent on Heat isolation brick, thickness of 1,2 m!
Timbered walls "accumulate" heat and in regular intervals distribute(allocate) it(him) on all premise(room). Therefore, in your house it will be warm in severe frost.
Tree is useful for your health , being absolutely non-polluting natural material. Other building materials, may cause allergic reaction, is especial at children.
And warm " solar color " natural tree salutarily influences our psychological condition and calms nervous system.
regularized round log - one of most durable building materials. Applying modern unique structures for processing wood, service life of her can be increased in some times.
Why Company offers regularized round log as a building material?
Beauty. it Is unconditional, equal, one for one, logs should cause aesthetic pleasure. sight involuntarily is late on house from such building material.
rigidity of a design since log to a log is adjusted more densely Raises.
Heat isolation properties raise , in view of dense Connections regularized round log for house.
Term of assembly of a house is reduced considerably. house (bath) gathers under project where each wreath is specified. Beforehand logs with cut cups gather in read out days " under a roof ", as children's designer.
Reduction of risk of defeat by wreckers of wood since at regularized round log for house, whenever possible, it is removed Mould.
Many people consider, that part of a log which is taking place at once under a bark - most strong and, she does a log rigid, carrying out, besides, protective function from wreckers.
Mould, both larches, and a pine (fur-trees), concerns to unstable wood. Under certain conditions storages and operation this part of a regularized round log is quickly amazed Painting, and then and destroying mushrooms Log gets grey or grey - dark blue colouring which reduces aesthetic value of a product, and then and destroys it as a result of rotting.
From told follows, that from point of view of consumer properties regularized round logs from wood of a pine (fur-trees) and a larch, zone above, whenever possible, should be removed.
And only, following for a part of a tree - nucleus carries out mechanical function, maintaining both weight of a tree, and wind and snow loadings.
Glued balks for wall wooden house
Dimensions in mm
A - AM. OAK |
72 x 86 x 600 - 3000 |
A - AM. OAK |
72 x 145 x 1000 -3000 |
Dimensions in mm
A - PINE |
72 x 86 x 600 - 3000 |
A - PINE |
72 x 115 x 1000 - 3000 |
A - PINE |
72 x 145 x 1000 - 3000 |
Dimensions in mm
B1 - PINE |
72 x 86 x 6000 |
B1 - PINE |
72 x 115 x 6000 |
B1 - PINE |
72 x 145 x 6000 |
Dimensions in mm
72 x 86 x 600 - 3000 |
72 x 115 x 1000 - 3000 |
72 x 145 x 1000 - 3000 |
Dimensions in mm
72 x 86 x 600 - 3000 |
72 x 115 x 1000 - 3000 |
72 x 125 x 1000 - 3000 |
72 x 145 x 1000 - 3000 |
Dimensions in mm
72 x 86 x 6000 |
72 x 86 x 6000 |
72 x 86 x 6000 |
72 x 115 x 6000 |
72 x 125 x 6000 |
72 x 145 x 6000 |
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