NIRGOS Holding

Bedrooms furniture. A photo - the Catalogue. The low costs

Furniture in :
GERBOR furniture
Furniture for kitchen
BRW Modular furniture
Modular furniture Neman
Furniture Pinskdrev
Furniture a file
Калинковичи furniture
Furniture for a bedroom
  • Bedroom of Kim
  • Bedroom Speaking in a deep voice
  • Bedroom the Sleepyhead
  • Bedroom the Sleepyhead
  • Bedroom the Lotus
  • Bedroom Antonina
  • Ecstasy bedroom
  • Bedroom of Nika
  • Bedroom the Camellia
  • Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2
  • Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.2
  • Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.4
  • Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.6
  • Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.5
  • Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.7
  • Bedroom of Aleksandrina 3.1
  • Bedroom of Aleksandrina 5.4
  • Bedroom Altair
  • Bedroom the Moon
  • Bedroom of Emilija
  • Bedroom of Kleo
  • Country bedroom
Orthopedic beds
Two-story beds
Orthopedic mattresses EOS
Mattresses orthopedic Barro
The orthopedic basis
Walls - hills
Furniture for hotel
Children's furniture
Case - a compartment
Furniture for kitchen
Upholstered furniture
Baths with a hydromassage
Hydromassage baths

Production is certificated. A guarantee - 12 months. A wholesale cost sheet on two-story beds from a warehouse

The design of furniture for bedrooms is wide and various. You will find exclusive furniture in any furniture store for bedrooms of any styles and directions.

The furniture for a bedroom differs with a complete set:
Modular bedrooms - basically such bedrooms are made from МДФ and it is possible to choose separate elements of a bedroom (a bed, a dresser and so on).
Complete bedrooms - Frequently it шпонированные bedrooms and bedrooms a file. Each complete set of such furniture has the unique structure of the tree which has been preliminary picked up at factory at manufacturing of the complete set.

The furniture of bedrooms differs on materials of manufacturing of facades:
Bedrooms (laminated ДСП) - cases of cases and dressers in such furniture are made of a laminate from Laminated ДСП. Such bedrooms the cheapest that is caused by the minimum cost of this kind of a material. Except for cases when in a bedroom there is a case-compartment the accessories for which costs a bit more expensively, than for распашного a case.
Bedrooms from МДФ Laminated. It is necessary to notice that the in itself material not and is well subject by road to any processing and фрезеровке. At good processing and to a covering can иммитировать a kind of furniture for a bedroom from a natural tree (file). But in difference from furniture for a bedroom from a natural tree it is not subject to influence of differences of temperatures and humidity. Cost of furniture for a bedroom from МДФ depends on complexity of drawing of facades and the cost of a film applied to furnish.
Shponirovannye bedrooms. In most cases, many sellers like to give out шпонированную furniture for a bedroom for 100 % a file. Therefore take into consideration that frequently well made bedrooms from a natural interline interval distinguish from a file the professionals well familiar with technology of vacuum pressing of furniture of a bedroom by an interline interval and well knowing the production technology of furniture of bedrooms from various breeds of a tree can only.
The combined bedrooms - are bedrooms in which is applied, both a file, and an interline interval of a natural tree. Frequently cases of similar furniture for bedrooms become covered by an interline interval of less valuable breeds of a tree (for example birches which is good тонируется "under an oak"), and facades of bedrooms can contain a framework from a file in which will birch plywood is inserted шпонированная by an oak interline interval. Besides, only the professional experts familiar with manufacture of furniture from a file can distinguish all ньюансы manufacturing of similar furniture. Such furniture has captivated all "exclusive furniture stores", especially a lot of good шпонированных bedrooms is delivered from China and Italy.
Bedrooms a file the Furniture from a natural tree gives to a bedroom interior special classical style. But also all apartment or the house should correspond to uniform style of a bedroom, beginning from curtains, and finishing wall-paper. Bedrooms from a file in a country house, a cottage well look. Call us and we will help to buy furniture for a bedroom cheaply.

Recently in city apartments with a view of economy of space of a bedroom use the built in cases - a compartment and order double beds to order. It is convenient, though and hardly more expensively serially let out furniture for a bedroom.

The cheapest bedrooms are made from a laminate and are on sale complete sets. Special attention at purchase of a cheap bedroom give bed designs. If the flooring under a mattress is executed from usual wooden брусков and sheets ДВП it is better to refuse such bed, it not выдержить more than a year. If the double bed is completed with the orthopedic basis in металлокаркасе, on the steel latent support this bed to break practically not probably, and such furniture of a bedroom will serve to you very long.

Bedroom of Kim the Price for the complete set: 280$

photo bedroom of Kim The bedroom of Kim of the Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2030 x 590 x 1700
Dresser for linen: 730 x 700 x 425
Toilet table: 930 x 1410 x 405
Case platelno-linen: 1700 x 2000 x 590
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 425 x 520 x 405

Bedroom of Kim the Price for the complete set with a dressing table: 280$ *

Bedroom of Kim the Price with a mattress: 440$ *

Bedroom the Sleepyhead the Price for the complete set: 300$
photo bedroom the Sleepyhead Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ. Colour: the Alder, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2030 x 590 x 1700
Dresser for linen: 1000 x 700 x 420
Case platelno-linen: 1700 x 1990 x 590
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 400 x 420 x 400

Bedroom the Sleepyhead the Price for the complete set: 300$ *

Bedroom the Sleepyhead the Price with a mattress: 460$ *

Bedroom the Sleepyhead the Price for the complete set: 330$
photo bedroom the Sleepyhead Photo to increase

Furniture for a bedroom the Sleepyhead
photo Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ. Colour: the Alder, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2030 x 590 x 1700
Dresser for linen: 1000 x 700 x 420
Toilet table: 800 x 1270 x 400
Case platelno-linen: 1700 x 1990 x 590
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 400 x 420 x 400

Bedroom the Sleepyhead the Price for the complete set: 330$ *

Bedroom the Sleepyhead the Price with a mattress: 490$ *

Bedroom of Basja-1 the Price for the complete set: 350$
bedroom photo Speaking in a deep voice 1 Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2400 x 880 x 2220
Dresser for linen: 1010 x 790 x 450
Toilet table: 910 x 1770 x 455
Case platelno-linen: 1430 x 2000 x 570
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the bed complete set)

Bedroom Speaking in a deep voice - 1 Price for the complete set with a dressing table: 350$ *

Bedroom Speaking in a deep voice - 1 Price with a mattress: 510$ *

Bedroom of Basja-2 the Price for the complete set: 350$
bedroom photo Speaking in a deep voice 2 Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2200 x 910 x 2000
Dresser for linen: 1010 x 790 x 450
Toilet table: 910 x 1770 x 450
Case platelno-linen: 1430 x 2000 x 570
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the bed complete set)

Bedroom Speaking in a deep voice - 2 Price for the complete set with a dressing table: 350$ *

Bedroom Speaking in a deep voice - 2 Price with a mattress: 510$ *

Bedroom the Lotus the Price for the complete set: 380$
photo bedroom the Lotus Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ. Colour: the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2020 x 590 x 1700
Dresser for linen: 1510 x 920 x 460
Case platelno-linen: 1875 x 2440 x 570
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 400 x 510 x 405

Bedroom the Lotus the Price for the complete set: 380$ *

Bedroom the Lotus the Price with a mattress: 540$ *

Bedroom the Lotus the Price for the complete set: 410$
photo bedroom the Lotus Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ. Colour: the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2020 x 590 x 1700
Dresser for linen: 1510 x 920 x 460
Toilet table: 1300 x 1500 x 390
Case platelno-linen: 1875 x 2440 x 570
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 400 x 510 x 405

Bedroom the Lotus the Price for the complete set: 410$ *

Bedroom the Lotus the Price with a mattress: 570$ *

Bedroom the Dream the Price for the complete set: 430$
photo bedroom the Dream Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: the Alder, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ. Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2070 x 685 x 1700
Dresser for linen: 770 x 810 x 445
Toilet table: 690 x 1685 x 415
Case platelno-linen: 1570 x 2025 x 635
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 47 x 390 x 405

Bedroom the Dream the Price for the complete set with a dressing table: 430$ *

Bedroom the Dream the Price with a mattress: 590$ *

Bedroom Antonina Tsena for the complete set: 420$
photo bedroom Antonina Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ. Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2050 x 840 x 1750
Dresser for linen: 820 x 720 x 390
Case platelno-linen: 1800 x 2000 x 550
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 370 x 400 x 390

Bedroom Antonina Tsena for the complete set: 420$ *

Bedroom Antonina Tsena with a mattress: 580$ *

Bedroom Antonina Tsena for the complete set: 465$
photo bedroom Antonina Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ. Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2050 x 840 x 1750
Dresser for linen: 820 x 720 x 390
Toilet table: 1110 x 1465 x 39
Case platelno-linen: 1800 x 2000 x 550
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 370 x 400 x 390

Bedroom Antonina Tsena for the complete set: 465$ *

Bedroom Antonina Tsena with a mattress: 615$ *

Bedroom the Moon the Price for the complete set: 420$
photo bedroom the Moon Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated МДФ (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: Pistachio, the Alder, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2000 x 900 x 1700
Dresser for linen: 850 x 750 x 480
Case platelno-linen: 1400 x 2150 x 650
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 370 x 510 x 310
+ Flooring from ДВП under a mattress 35$ *

Bedroom the Moon the Price for the complete set: 420$ *

Bedroom the Moon the Price with a mattress: 580$ *

Bedroom Antonina the glossy Price for the complete set: 490$
photo bedroom Antonina Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: the Korelsky birch, Kalvados
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ. Colour: the Korelsky birch, Kalvados
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2050 x 840 x 1750
Dresser for linen: 820 x 720 x 390
Case platelno-linen: 1800 x 2000 x 550
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 370 x 400 x 390

Bedroom Antonina the glossy Price for the complete set: 490$ *

Bedroom Antonina the glossy Price with a mattress: 650$ *

Bedroom Antonina the glossy Price for the complete set: 520$
photo bedroom Antonina Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: the Korelsky birch, Kalvados
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ. Colour: the Korelsky birch, Kalvados
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2050 x 840 x 1750
Dresser for linen: 820 x 720 x 390
Toilet table: 1110 x 1465 x 39
Case platelno-linen: 1800 x 2000 x 550
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 370 x 400 x 390

Bedroom Antonina the glossy Price for the complete set: 520$ *

Bedroom Antonina the glossy Price with a mattress: 680$ *

Bedroom of Nika the Price for the complete set: 480$
photo bedroom of Nika Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: Венге the dark
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ. Colour: Венге light, Venge dark
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 1985 x 670 x 1670
Dresser for linen: 780 x 730 x 405
Mirror: 780 x 870 x 20
Case platelno-linen: 1550 x 2020 x 596
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 430 x 404 x 400

Bedroom of Nika the Price for the complete set: 500$ *

Bedroom of Nika the Price with a mattress: 660$ *

Bedroom of Ecstasy the Price for the complete set: 430$
photo bedroom of Ecstasy Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: the Alder, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ. Colour: the Alder, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2030 x 700 x 1700
Dresser for linen: 820 x 780 x 350
Toilet table: 1120 x 1420 x 350
Case platelno-linen: 1800 x 2000 x 500
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 370 x 380 x 350

Bedroom of Ecstasy the Price for the complete set with a dressing table: 430$ *

Bedroom of Ecstasy the Price with a mattress: 590$ *

Bedroom the Camellia the Price for the complete set: 575$
photo bedroom the Camellia Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: the Oak bleached, the Maple
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ. Colour: the Oak bleached, the Maple
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 1985 x 965 x 1810
Dresser for linen: 1090 x 876 x 470
Mirror: 885 x 996 x 17
Case platelno-linen: 1795 x 2400 x 605
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 535 x 496 x 445

Bedroom the Camellia the Price for the complete set: 575$ *

Bedroom the Camellia the Price with a mattress: 735$ *

Bedroom the Camellia the glossy Price for the complete set: 615$
photo bedroom the Camellia Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: Кальвадос, the Korelsky birch
Bedroom facade: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: Кальвадос, the Korelsky birch
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 1985 x 965 x 1810
Dresser for linen: 1090 x 876 x 470
Mirror: 885 x 996 x 17
Case platelno-linen: 1795 x 2400 x 605
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 535 x 496 x 445

Bedroom the Camellia the glossy Price for the complete set: 615$ *

Bedroom the Camellia the Price with a mattress: 775$ *

Bedroom of Emilija the Price for the complete set: 1 250$
photo bedroom of Emilija Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: the Old oak
Bedroom facade: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: the Old oak
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2100 x 1120 x 1840
Dresser for linen: 1090 x 900 x 470
Mirror: 840 x 940 x 120
Case platelno-linen: 2210 x 2340 x 610
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 535 x 660 x 440

Bedroom of Emilija the glossy Price for the complete set: 1250$ *

Bedroom of Emilija the glossy Price with a mattress: 1410$ *

Bedroom of Emilija nacre the Price for the complete set: 1450$
photo bedroom of Emilija Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: Nacre
Bedroom facade: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: Nacre
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2100 x 1120 x 1840
Dresser for linen: 1090 x 900 x 470
Mirror: 840 x 940 x 120
Case platelno-linen: 2210 x 2340 x 610
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 535 x 660 x 440

Bedroom of Emilija nacre the Price for the complete set: 1450$ *

Bedroom of Emilija the glossy Price with a mattress: 1610$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 5.4 Price for the complete set: 550$
photo bedroom of Aleksandrina 5.4 Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Кашированный МДФ (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2030 x 935 x 1740
Dresser for linen: 900 x 700 x 425
Mirror: 695 x 985 x 130
Case platelno-linen: 1700 x 2000 x 590
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 425 x 520 x 405
+ Wooden flooring from ДВП under a mattress 45$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 5.4 Price for the complete set: 550$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.7 Price for the complete set: 555$
photo bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.7 Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Кашированный МДФ (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2010 x 900 x 1750
Dresser for linen: 900 x 850 x 436
Mirror: 796 x 1050 x 34
Case platelno-linen: 1820 x 2340 x 636
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 460 x 430 x 436
+ Wooden flooring from ДВП under a mattress 45$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.7 Price for the complete set: 555$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2 Price for the complete set: 600$
photo bedroom of Aleksandrina 2 Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Кашированный МДФ (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2030 x 935 x 1737
Dresser for linen: 900 x 853 x 436
Mirror: 695 x 984 x 130
Case platelno-linen: 1830 x 2343 x 635
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 460 x 533 x 436
+ Wooden flooring from ДВП under a mattress 45$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2 Price for the complete set: 600$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.2 Price for the complete set: 600$
photo bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.2 Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Кашированный МДФ (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2030 x 935 x 1737
Dresser for linen: 900 x 853 x 436
Mirror: 695 x 984 x 130
Case platelno-linen: 1830 x 2343 x 635
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 460 x 533 x 436
+ Wooden flooring from ДВП under a mattress 45$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.2 Price for the complete set: 600$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.4 Price for the complete set: 600$
photo bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.4 Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Кашированный МДФ (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2030 x 935 x 1737
Dresser for linen: 900 x 853 x 436
Mirror: 695 x 984 x 130
Case platelno-linen: 1830 x 2343 x 635
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 460 x 533 x 436
+ Wooden flooring from ДВП under a mattress 45$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.4 Price for the complete set: 600$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.5 Price for the complete set: 600$
photo bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.5 Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Кашированный МДФ (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2010 x 900 x 1750
Dresser for linen: 900 x 850 x 436
Mirror: 796 x 1050 x 34
Case platelno-linen: 1820 x 2340 x 636
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 460 x 530 x 436
+ Wooden flooring from ДВП under a mattress 45$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.5 Price for the complete set: 600$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.6 Price for the complete set: 605$
photo bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.6 Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Кашированный МДФ (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2010 x 900 x 1750
Dresser for linen: 900 x 850 x 436
Mirror: 796 x 1050 x 34
Case platelno-linen: 1820 x 2340 x 636
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 460 x 530 x 436
+ Wooden flooring from ДВП under a mattress 45$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.6 Price for the complete set: 605$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.6.2 Price for the complete set: 605$
photo bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.6.2 Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Кашированный МДФ (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2010 x 900 x 1750
Dresser for linen: 900 x 850 x 436
Mirror: 796 x 1050 x 34
Case platelno-linen: 1820 x 2340 x 636
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 460 x 530 x 436
+ Wooden flooring from ДВП under a mattress 45$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.6.2 Price for the complete set: 605$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.6.4 Price for the complete set: 605$
photo bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.6.4 Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Кашированный МДФ (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2010 x 900 x 1750
Dresser for linen: 900 x 850 x 436
Mirror: 796 x 1050 x 34
Case platelno-linen: 1820 x 2340 x 636
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 460 x 530 x 436
+ Wooden flooring from ДВП under a mattress 45$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 2.6.4 Price for the complete set: 605$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 3.1 Price for the complete set: 750$
photo bedroom of Aleksandrina 3.1 Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Кашированный МДФ (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2060 x 970 x 1700
Dresser for linen: 945 x 835 x 442
Mirror: 755 x 985 x 74
Case platelno-linen: 1860 x 2225 x 691
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 532 x 652 x 440
+ Wooden flooring from ДВП under a mattress 45$ *

Bedroom of Aleksandrina 3.1 Price for the complete set: 750$ *

Bedroom Altair the Price for the complete set: 870$
photo bedroom Altair Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
Bedroom facade: Кашированный МДФ (Ивацевичдрев). Colour: White, the Alder, the Apple-tree, the Nut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2140 x 755 x 1780
Dresser for linen: 860 x 790 x 415
Mirror: 860 x 700 x 35
Case platelno-linen: 1690 x 2125 x 610
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 520 x 755 x 370
+ Wooden orthopedic lattice under a mattress 40$ *

Bedroom Altair the Price for the complete set: 870$ *

Bedroom of Kleo the Price for the complete set: 855$
photo bedroom of Kleo Photo to increase

Furniture for a bedroom of Kleo the Price for the complete set
photo Photo to increase

Furniture for a bedroom of Kleo the Price for the complete set
photo Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: Dark венге
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ. Colour: Light венге / dark венге
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2120 x 705 x 1685
Dresser for linen: 1065 x 945 x 385
Mirror: 1065 x 885 x 25
Case platelno-linen: 1665 x 2120 x 620
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 520 x 350 x 385

Bedroom of Kleo the Price for the complete set: 855$ *

Bedroom of the Country the Price for the complete set: - - $ *
photo bedroom of the Country Photo to increase
The bedroom case: Laminated ЛДСП. Colour: the Chestnut
Bedroom facade: Laminated МДФ. Colour: the Chestnut
The sizes of modules of furniture for a bedroom: (Length x Height x Depth)
Bed double: 2160 x 810 x 1770
Bedside tables (2 pieces in the complete set): 565 x 525 x 385
Dresser for linen: 1010 x 905 x 455
Mirror: 1020 x 1065 x 110
Case platelno-linen: 2280 x 2250 x 655

Bedroom of the Country the Price for the complete set: - - $ *

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